Planning an Eco-Friendly Event: A Guide to Sustainable Gatherings

Planning an Eco-Friendly Event: A Guide to Sustainable Gatherings

Discover how to host an eco-friendly event with our tailored guide. From sustainable venues to local supplies, learn how to reduce your event's carbon footprint. Encourage waste reduction, sustainable transportation and power use, and give back to the land for a memorable gathering. Let your event inspire others to celebrate responsibly and protect our unique environment.
August 13, 2023 — Carla Johnson


We were getting lots of questions about different services, items and just being eco-conscious in general so we decided to jump onto YouTube and start videoing all the questions that were being asked.
October 14, 2020 — Samantha Toft-Goulding
Hero Packaging

Hero Packaging

As times are changing due to COVID-19 we are also changing

Majority of our sales were market stall based, which majority of them now are now posted to customers. 

May 11, 2020 — Samantha Toft-Goulding
Be Imperfect

Be Imperfect

Making small changes and trying your best is better than watching everyone else try their best. 

Start off simple

April 14, 2020 — Samantha Toft-Goulding
What are Shampoo Bars?

What are Shampoo Bars?

Why you should make the swap to shampoo bars

Shampoo bars are a condensed and concentrated shampoo in a bar. In all shampoo and conditioner bottles the first ingredient is water, with shampoo bars you add the water. They are a cost effective way to save on plastic